Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo continue
Valentino in the traditional style, while at the same time adding a lot of fresh breath for brand--Shorter dress skirt and more lightweight material lets
Valentino girl become sexy,eye-catching."We want to create a new fairy tale legend,"
Piccioli in the background said, "We are proud of the brand's traditional, but we also want to add own new ideas to series."Light naked-color,roseate,lavender purple, golden yellow, off white as the main colors,flowing bow,spiral-shaped organza flower ball of the tull dress skirt,falbala or flowercage adornment,as thin as cicada's wings perspective lace printing and geometric-shaped sequins,etc. decoration.They content the illusion of any woman for the skirt.

Red dress skirt does not appear in the season,contrary,
Pier Paolo and Chiuri choose naked-color,roseate,lavender purple, golden yellow, off white as the main colors,In addition to two designers of the most adept of the bow decoration,spiral-shaped organza flower ball of the tull dress skirt,lightness wave falbala or flowercage adornment,bring beautiful visual enjoyment,as thin as cicada's wings perspective lace printing and geometric-shaped sequins etc.decoration trace out sexy elegant woman image.Although dreamlike glass shoes did not appear in this "
fairy tale",but in high-heeled shoes keep up with lace and feathers made the "wings" also hypnotic fascination.